Security Checklist for 2024: Experts’ Recommendations

Health care covered entities (CEs) and business associates (BAs) should take several steps to better fortify their organizations against cybercrime, experts told RPP.

Ransomware will continue to proliferate in 2024, and it will evolve in the types of tactics being used, said Rebecca Herold, CEO and Privacy Professor of Privacy & Security Brainiacs. The health care industry could see more tactics “that will or could cause significant safety/physical harms to the associated patients,” she said.

In addition, Herold said she expects that “new types of cybercrimes utilizing the data collected through tracking pixels on health care sites will emerge and quickly proliferate as cybercrooks realize how easy it is now to establish themselves as a legitimate third-party marketing or similar type of business, and then obtain access to a huge amount of PHI [protected health information] via those Meta Pixels and similar types of online tracking tech.”

The HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has been signaling via guidance documents, free tools and penalties applied that it will focus on full security and privacy program elements in the coming year, Herold said. Therefore, “it would behoove health care CEs and BAs to make time to review their own full security and privacy programs and identify where there are gaps,” she said.

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