Required terms in orders

7 U.S. Code § 2904. Required terms in orders

An order issued under section 2903(b) of this title shall contain the following terms and conditions:
The order shall provide for the establishment and selection of a Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board. Members of the Board shall be cattle producers and importers appointed by the Secretary from (A) nominations submitted by eligible State organizations certified under section 2905 of this title (or, if the Secretary determines that there is no eligible State organization in a State, the Secretary may provide for nominations from such State to be made in a different manner), and (B) nominations submitted by importers under such procedures as the Secretary determines appropriate. In determining geographic representation for cattle producers on the Board, whole States shall be considered as a unit. Each State that has a total cattle inventory greater than five hundred thousand head shall be entitled to at least one representative on the Board. A State that has a total inventory of fewer than 500,000 cattle shall be grouped, as far as practicable, with other States each of which has a combined total inventory of not less than 500,000 cattle, into geographically contiguous units in a manner prescribed in the order. A unit may be represented on the Board by more than one member. For each additional million head of cattle within a unit, such unit shall be entitled to an additional member on the Board. The Board may recommend a change in the level of inventory per unit necessary for representation on the Board and, on such recommendation, the Secretary may change the level necessary for representation on the Board. The number of members on the Board that represent importers shall be determined by the Secretary on a proportional basis, by converting the volume of imported beef and beef products into live animal equivalencies.
(2) The order shall define the powers and duties of the Board, which shall be exercised at an annual meeting, and shall include only the following powers:
To administer the order in accordance with its terms and provisions.
To make rules and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of the order.
To elect members of the Board to serve on the Committee.
To approve or disapprove budgets submitted by the Committee.
To receive, investigate, and report to the Secretary complaints of violations of the order.
To recommend to the Secretary amendments to the order.
In addition, the order shall determine the circumstances under which special meetings of the Board may be held.
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