Women in leadership? Trust me, “She's not ready”

6 minute read

Over the years, I have had the pleasure to sit on interview panels for myriad roles both inside and outside the leadership space. I sit for my own organizations and as an external guest panelist. Particularly with new remote video capabilities—unlike before, where everything was in person—technology has allowed me to meaningfully participate in interview panels across the nation. In some, I am a consultant for the purposes of offering an interview panel’s evaluation; in others, I am there to provide an unbiased and uninfluenceable perspective on a candidate’s interview performance.

I participate on panels pertaining to a countless list of disciplines—some of which I may only possess general knowledge—but it doesn’t matter. Why? Because the characteristics to thrive in leadership are the same everywhere, from a finance vice president or operations manager to a compliance chief or a director of widgets in a factory. Judgement, courage, communication, accountability, and integrity look the same everywhere if you know what to look for. “If these three things happened, would you report your boss and why?” are salient questions that transcend industry.

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