When the stakes are raised during an ethics investigation

Miguel Rueda (mruedaccep@gmail.com) is responsible for managing the ethics reporting program in a global enterprise based in Canada.

An ethics investigations team is in the process of compiling documentation and drafting the final report. It appears that they had covered all angles, identified the “perpetrators,” obtained admissions, and formulated recommendations. However, everyone is caught by surprise when they learn that one of the perpetrators had been meeting with members of executive management, providing his version of events, and as a result, this individual not only kept their job but also was financially compensated for the “hardship” caused by the investigation.

This scenario, which is based on an actual case, highlights how an investigation that might have seemed diligent can enter a phase that ends up changing its course—and eventually the outcome. Don’t let this happen to you.

This article presents examples of three situations that can seriously affect ethics investigations: The Reversal, The Scandal, and The Transformation.

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