Utilization analysis for race, sex, and ethnicity.

§ 30.5 Utilization analysis for race, sex, and ethnicity.

(a) Purpose. The purpose of the utilization analysis is to provide sponsors with a method for assessing whether possible barriers to apprenticeship exist for particular groups of individuals by determining whether the race, sex, and ethnicity of apprentices in a sponsor's apprenticeship program is reflective of persons available for apprenticeship by race, sex, and ethnicity in the relevant recruitment area. Where significant disparity exists between availability and representation, the sponsor will be required to establish a utilization goal pursuant to § 30.6.

(b) Analysis of apprenticeship program workforce—(1) Process. Sponsors must analyze the race, sex, and ethnic composition of their apprentice workforce. This is a two-step process. First, each sponsor must group all apprentices in its registered apprenticeship program by occupational title. Next, for each occupation represented, the sponsor must identify the race, sex, and ethnicity of its apprentices within that occupation.

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