Understanding the role of behavioral science on ethics in the workplace

Anshul Dixit (anshul.dixit@warwick.ac.uk) is a Graduate Student at the University of Warwick in Coventry, United Kingdom, and a former Associate Consultant with Capgemini.

Policymakers have been proposing reforms focused on preventing gross and blatant law violations; still, they have ignored the more stereotyped, vapid acts of unethical behavior that are far more common in organizations. Corporations bear high costs annually by avoiding tax payments and other money-related unethical behaviors by their employees. Seventy-three percent of professionals say an organization’s values are important to them and would not apply to a company if its values are not aligned with their own. Furthermore, 43% of consumers have stopped buying from brands they find unethical, and 71% say they carefully consider corporate values when making a purchase.[1] Henceforth, corporations aim to have a significant interest in preventing unethical and illegal behavior by adhering to compliance programs. Despite prioritizing and keeping compliance-related matters atop a corporation’s priorities, effective management of compliance risk continues to present challenges.

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