Russia-Based Cyber Threats Spur Call for Urgent Reporting

The Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is urging organizations in critical infrastructure sectors, including hospitals and health systems, to report cyber-related incidents to CISA as quickly as possible to help mitigate threats.[1]

The agency is requesting voluntary incident reports while it works to implement legislation approved in March that mandates swift reporting of breaches and ransomware payments to CISA.[2] “Together we can make a difference,” CISA said in its April 2022 bulletin, “Sharing Cyber Event Information: Observe, Act, Report.”

“When cyber incidents are reported quickly, CISA can use this information to render assistance and provide a warning to prevent other organizations and entities from falling victim to a similar attack. This information is also critical to identifying trends that can help efforts to protect the homeland,” the agency said.

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