In This Month’s E-News: September 2023

A criminology professor at Florida State University (FSU), dogged by accusations of research misconduct and the subject of multiple probes, was terminated last month, according to a letter published by Retraction Watch. Hired in 2007, Eric Stewart received a notice of intent to terminate in March, which was the basis for the final action, James J. Clark, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, wrote in the July 13 letter. Clark took issue with Stewart’s “behavior and extreme negligence and incompetence that [he] demonstrated in the performance of [his] duties.” Clark added that “decades of research that were once thought to be at the forefront” of criminology “contain numerous erroneous and false narratives.”

Beginning in 2019, a coauthor of Stewart’s raised concerns to FSU about “falsified data and findings;” six of Stewart’s papers have since been retracted. However, FSU never conducted a formal research misconduct investigation into the allegations, stopping at the initial phase of three inquiries, according to Retraction Watch. The website also published, for the first time, internal documents it obtained in which Stewart “vehemently defended himself.” However, Clark said Stewart’s assignment of teaching research methods in light of the retractions did not comport with FSU’s “mission to provide high quality education to students” and that he had not “demonstrated the ability to continue” conducting research. (8/17/23)

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