General provisions

7 U.S. Code § 4201. General provisions

(a) Congressional statement of findingsCongress finds that—
the Nation’s farmland is a unique natural resource and provides food and fiber necessary for the continued welfare of the people of the United States;
each year, a large amount of the Nation’s farmland is irrevocably converted from actual or potential agricultural use to non­agricultural use;
continued decrease in the Nation’s farmland base may threaten the ability of the United States to produce food and fiber in sufficient quantities to meet domestic needs and the demands of our export markets;
the extensive use of farmland for non­agricultural purposes undermines the economic base of many rural areas;
Federal actions, in many cases, result in the conversion of farmland to nonagricultural uses where alternative actions would be preferred;
the Department of Agriculture is the agency primarily responsible for the implementation of Federal policy with respect to United States farmland, assuring the maintenance of the agricultural production capacity of the United States, and has the personnel and other resources needed to implement national farmland protection policy; and
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