Embracing simplicity in compliance with prevent, find, and fix

6 minute read

Approximately two years ago, while attending SCCE’s Compliance & Ethics Institute in Las Vegas, I had a brief yet impactful conversation with the CEO of SCCE & HCCA, Gerry Zack. I asked him one question: “When you have the opportunity to have an elevator-style conversation with executives and board members about the goal of compliance programs, what do you say?” 

I anticipated he would say something about the importance of implementing the ever-present “seven elements,” but his answer surprised me. He said something to the effect of, “Oh, that’s easy. I tell them the same thing that Roy Snell did: Effective compliance programs are in place to prevent compliance issues from happening, to find them when they do, and to fix them once they are found. Prevent. Find. Fix.”

Gerry’s unexpected response gave me a great deal to think about, and I pondered his answer for the next several weeks. My primary train of thought went something like this, “I like the concepts of prevent, find, and fix. But if the purpose of effective compliance programs is to prevent, find, and fix, how do we prevent, how do we find, and how do we fix?”

What I concluded surprised me—again.

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