Culture and code: Can one be disconnected from the other?

4 minute read

Can corporate culture and your code of conduct exist independently? The obvious answer is no. Why? Because continuous ethical conduct can’t be practiced unless it is deeply rooted in corporate culture. And you can’t have a strong corporate culture unless the values and conduct expected of employees are outlined in a code of conduct. Companies need to say what they expect from people in terms of values and conduct.

When companies disconnect code and culture, the risk of corruption and misconduct increases. For example, if we go back eight or nine years to the beginning of Operação Lava Jato (Operation Car Wash) in Brazil—which triggered a gigantic operation to combat corruption in the country—we saw that large companies involved in the corruption scheme had well-defined rules of conduct in their codes.[1] One code I reviewed mentioned the word corruption (as an unacceptable practice) around 22 times.

If there was so much talk about not tolerating corruption in the companies’ codes of conduct, why did these organizations commit the biggest corruption scandal in the history of the country? The easy answer is that the corporate culture and the code of conduct didn’t work together! In fact—as incredible as it sounds—they acted like enemies!

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