Advisory council

7 U.S. Code § 5843. Advisory council

(a) Establishment and membership
(1) In general
The Secretary shall establish an advisory council for the program for the purpose of advising, assisting, consulting with, and making recommendations to, the Secretary and Director concerning matters related to the activities, policies and operations of the program.
(2) Membership
The advisory council shall consist of ex officio members and not more than 13 members appointed by the Secretary.
(3) Recommendations
(A) In generalIn making recommendations under paragraph (1), the advisory council shall include recommendations on—
(i) the state of public cultivar development, including—
an analysis of existing cultivar research investments;
the research gaps relating to the development of cultivars across a diverse range of crops; and
an assessment of the state of commercialization of federally funded cultivars;
the training and resources needed to meet future breeding challenges;
the appropriate levels of Federal funding for cultivar development for underserved crops and geographic areas; and
the development of the plan described in section 5841(d)(6) of this title.
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