Upgrade your employee survey for more accurate results

Troy McAlister (troymcalister@hotmail.com) is an ethics and compliance professional with international experience designing, implementing, monitoring, and assessing compliance programs, based in Woodlands, Texas, USA.

Compliance professionals are constantly looking for ways to accurately assess the effectiveness of their program’s individual elements. Some elements leave distinct audit trails, such as third-party vetting or gifts and entertainment, which can be tested and audited. With other areas, such as strategic planning or internal investigations, you may be so heavily involved, you already know where the successes live and the skeletons are buried. Then there are concepts such as culture, willingness to report concerns, or simply knowing whom to talk to and where to find company resources, which you have to get feedback from across your employee base to really determine where you stand.

Budget belt-tightening and heavy restrictions on travel in the age of COVID-19 mean gathering feedback via face-to-face discussions may not be a viable option. Further, don’t expect to get honest and forthcoming feedback during a choppy multiperson Zoom meeting. Here is where a simple tool like an employee survey can be one of your biggest sources of information while consuming only a minimal amount of time and resources.

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