Meet David D. Dodge

David D. Dodge ( was interviewed in November 2017 by Moby Salahuddin (, a writer in Columbia, South Carolina.

David D. Dodge is the former President and CEO of a risk management firm serving hospitals and health systems in South Carolina; the founder and CEO of Sports Officiating Consulting, LLC; and a board member at the National Association of Sports Officials.

MS: In your numerous postings on The Compliance & Ethics Blog maintained by the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE), and as a board member at the National Association of Sports Officials, you have repeatedly called for sports organizations to adopt formal compliance programs. You are probably among the very few people in the country who have been pushing for such a change. How did you get interested in this issue?

DD: My interest in promoting compliance programs in sports organizations dates to my years officiating college basketball games and my work as CEO of a risk management firm serving hospitals in South Carolina. In my close involvement with sports, albeit on a part-time basis, I occasionally observed incidents of wrongdoing and heard about other transgressions involving recruiting violations, harassment of athletes, conflict of interest, etc.

It gradually became clear to me that sports organizations are headed towards a big fall, because hardly any of them—high school associations, college sports programs, sports under the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) umbrella, professional leagues—have a formal compliance program in place that can receive reports of wrongdoing and respond effectively.

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