Implementing AI governance: Tips from the trenches

6 minute read

Tired of the onslaught of promotional emails promising artificial intelligence (AI) tools that deliver increased efficiency while lowering operating costs? Wondering how many more of those emails your executive team is receiving? Up with night sweats at the thought that employees are entering confidential company data into ChatGPT? Or are you spurred on by the Biden administration’s commitment to advancing the responsible use of AI in healthcare as seen in the October 30, 2023, Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence (E.O. 14110)?[1]

If the answer to these questions is yes, the time has come to put together an AI governance program.

So, where to start? Put together a list of guiding principles for the governance program before engaging other stakeholders. While some principles may differ based on your organization’s products and services, key principles to keep in mind are management of uncertainty, flexibility, and transparency.

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