Ethics: The true foundation of every compliance program

Elvis Angyiembe ( is Regional Compliance Officer & Corporate Counsel for Panasonic Avionics Corporation in Dubai, UAE.

Believe it or not, ethics are often more important than rules, and this is certainly true when it comes to internal procedures and policies in a company. That is to say, rules are always needed to construct a compliance program, but without ethics, there is really no way for these policies to actually work.

But what does this mean exactly, and what makes ethics so important?

It simply means that most companies focus on the technical aspects of compliance, but the truth is, ethics and morals are the real driving force behind any such program. What’s more, companies that try to enforce certain rules or strict compliance programs can alienate employees and even stifle the sense of culture in an organisation. At the same time, to realize the role of ethics, it’s just as important to understand the underlying purpose of a compliance program.

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