Choose wisely

Kelly M. Willenberg ( is President and CEO of Kelly Willenberg LLC in Greenville, SC.

I had a conversation with a colleague last week about morale at her site. In discussing the turnover rate, she expressed that the remaining employees have an overwhelming workload, insufficient resources, and competing priorities. Given the fact that I hear of site adversities regularly now, it makes me recall a favorite supervisor during my career. Jodi always stressed recognition of what was working instead of what was not working as to enhance people’s sense of value. She would say, “People who have a sense of value are motivated.” I believe that she was correct in her assessment. I encouraged my colleague who was complaining of the staff she had lost to find a way to support the staff who remained. By recognizing and supporting those individuals, she might find that she empowers them, possibly keeping them from leaving as well. Prioritizing the positive instead of lamenting about the loss may also help you focus on compliance as you move forward.

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