It's Not Where You've Been; It's Where You Are Going: Improving Compliance and the Employee Experience by Tackling Policy Proliferation

Cynthia Creech, Policy Governance & Assessment, Cisco Systems. Laura Ellis, Global Compliance Enablement, Cisco International Limited.

September 17, 2019

  • How Cisco set to reduce complexity and frustration and improve compliance with an aspirational goal of reducing the number of companywide policies from 330+ to 33 and, along the way, align compliance posture with risk tolerance.

  • How did we do this? Why did we do this? And how did the collaboration between Policy Governance and Compliance & Ethics set off a chain reaction within Cisco to make compliance easier across the company?

  • In this session, we will walk through our often complex and frustrating process to optimize and consolidate, clear up inconsistencies and overlap and stop the madness of policy proliferation to improve both compliance and the employee experience.

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