Planning Done, Indiana U. to Apply Some New Common Rule Provisions

After years of planning, Indiana University was “ready to flip the switch” on changes to its human subjects protections program to comply with the revised Common Rule published in January 2017. Then, like the rest of the world, on Jan. 17 of this year—two days before the compliance deadline—IU officials learned that the government was imposing a delay of at least six months (see story, p. 1).

Regardless of the delay, IU plans to take advantage of some of the burden-reducing options for its non-federally funded research, such as new categories of exempt studies and being able to forgo continuing institutional review board review (IRB) for some studies.

IU had been preparing to comply with changes in a revised Common Rule from the time it was in the draft stages (RRC 3/16, p. 7). And it decided early on that, delay or no delay, it would move forward with changes in its non-federally funded research, according to John Baumann, IU associate vice president for research compliance.

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