Ohio State University Annual Status Report

Research Status

What is the current status of the research?*

⬜ No research participants have been enrolled or participant records/biospecimens accessed and/or obtained.

⬛ Research participants have been enrolled or participant records/biospecimens accessed and/or obtained.

What is the current status of participant recruitment?*

⬜ Recruitment is ongoing.

⬛ Recruitment has been completed.

If recruitment has been completed, what is participants’ current status?*

⬜ Participants have not completed research interventions.

⬛ All participants have completed all research interventions.

If participants have completed all research intervention, what is the current status of research?*

⬜ Research remains active only for long-term follow-up (or re-contact) and data analysis.

⬛ Research remains active only for data analysis.

⬜ Research is complete; no further activities, including accessing identifiable/coded data and/or biospecimens, will occur.

Research Progress

Summarize the progress of the Ohio State research, including any interim findings.*

The Research remains active only for data analysis.

Approved amendments since last review (initial, continuing or annual status report)


Were there any changes to the research that were not previously reported and approved by the IRB?*

⬜ Yes ⬛ No

Number of Participants

The number of participants is defined as the number of individuals who agreed to participate (i.e., those who provided consent or whose records were accessed, etc.) even if all do not prove eligible or complete the study. The total number of research participants may be increased only with prior IRB approval.

Approved Number of Participants

Ohio State IRB approved number of participants (or records, specimens, etc.). This will be listed as groups (e.g., 50 teachers, 100 students) if that is how it was entered in the original application (this field is auto-calculated and not editable):

18 students (Total numbers = 18)

Participant Enrollment

For research approved by an Ohio State IRB, provide the total number of participants (or records, specimens, etc.) enrolled in the research to date. This can be listed as groups (e.g., 50 teachers, 100 students)*


If actual total enrollment to date exceeds the IRB approved number, provide an explanation.

Other Comments

This page should be used to provide ORRP or the IRB with additional information related to the current submission.

The general comments text area can be used to provide clarification to ORRP staff or the IRB members.

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* required field