Diversity: The hidden ingredient of successful boardroom governance

Bhavesh C. Bhagat (bb@confidentgovernance.com) is Chairman of Confident Governance, Chairman of Board at Arneva Capital Partners, and Board Advisor for Mach37 Cyber Security Accelerator in Reston, Virginia, USA.

In the coming decade, for organizational success and for efficiency in corporate governance, one of the key factors will be implementing diversity in the boardroom. In this article we will discuss why diversity is required in the boardroom and how a diverse and robust board composition can be established.

First off, it’s important to really understand what is meant by a diverse, all-inclusive boardroom, because there are multiple versions of how diversity is interpretedaround the globe. Advocates of diversity often refer to the two primary categories: (1) identity—gender, race, ethnicity; and (2) skills—professional experience, educational background, and leadership abilities.

Organizations that support identity diversity advocate for greater inclusion of women and racially or ethnically diverse individuals in the boardroom, while those who favor skill-based diversity focus more on an individual’s skills and experiences as they relate to corporate strategy. Although geography and industry highly influence the board composition, current trends have compelled directors to adopt a comprehensive definition of diversity that includes both fundamental aspects—identity and skills—as a given in the dynamic nature of business world today, but neither aspect can be excluded from the other. Hence, a modernized, globalized, transparent, and futuristic approach towards board composition is required for a company to implement boardroom diversity based on its unique and specific needs for achieving excellence, sustainability, and positive growth.

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