At CMS’s Behest, Hospitals Self-Audit Unreported Device Credits; Deadline Is Close

Some hospitals are facing a late August deadline to pay Medicare back for unreported cardiac device credits in the wake of a national HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) audit that found significant noncompliance.[1] CMS has sent some hospitals letters instructing them to self-audit claims for procedures with replaced cardiac devices where manufacturers had given them credits and, where appropriate, return overpayments to Medicare. One caveat: before, during or after OIG’s audit, hospitals may have refunded overpayments, a compliance officer said. They should check where they stand before a duplicative self-audit, although hospitals may find some unreported device credits are always lurking.

Meanwhile, hospitals should be poised for more self-audit requests after OIG audits, said Steve Gillis, director of compliance coding, billing and audit at Mass General Brigham in Boston. “This is a theme we have been seeing with CMS.” It happened, for example, when Medicare administrative contractors (MACs) demanded overpayments caused by noncompliance with the post-acute care transfer (PACT) payment policy after OIG audit found noncompliance related to the PACT policy and home health care.

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